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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Worthy Advise To Ladies and Guys Seeking True Marriage

Marriage has been bastardize, with many now interested in the "cash" and "body" . And this goes for both ladies who think their boobs or butt means they can't marry a man who's not rich, as declared by one recently, and guys who leave their decent women for desperate ladies with 'assets'.

The "rich" man you are desperate to marry today was broke few years ago, so what makes you think the right man for you, if he's not "rich" today, can't be richer than the man who's showing off?

Popular Nigerian musician Lynxxx who's now a changed man just shared some worthy advise:
Its Sooooo easy to pass up on a good thing filled with opportunity, substance, value and true essence while chasing something that glitters and isn't Gold.

We exist in a world where the distractions are on a (?) and its soooo easy to get carried away in the Hype, following the crowd and fitting into what “Society” predicts is cool, that we put OUR own standards away and roll with what the world has deemed acceptable.
The usual answer to Questions like.. “What do you look for in a girl or a guy” goes something like … “She must be cute/fine, have a nice body, know how to cook, has a good job etc…” 
The ladies.. “He must be successful, rich, good looking, have a built body, live in lekki, drive a range ??? etc...” 
All well and good but sadly, your focus is on the WRONG things! Worldly things that are not the true ingredients to a long lasting relationship. (?? Guilty… My previous interviews over the years are proof)  
— I have learned in faith that finding Mr/Ms Right begins with someone who already knows who THEY are in Christ! Someone who has the Love and Fear of God wld lead u closer to him therefore closer to “You” and ur destiny. 
They say you cant give what you dont have, if all i have to offer is range and 6packs, that's what i am bringing to the relationship table… Therefore i can be a monster on the inside and treat u anyhow. But a Man or Woman with a good Spiritual Foundation is limited to the world by the fear and Love of God and the Word… 
— Build your relationships on the concrete foundation of a spiritual relationship with God, pray together, pray for each other and then Slay together! REMEMBER: its never too late to dedicate ur current relationship to God for a fresh start! You deserve something that has a future otherwise... you are in class for yet another lesson
LOOK BEYOND THE OUTSIDE! What is INSIDE is what counts! —Bless yall! 


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