Jackson, Mississippi had some strange weather last Saturday – at least according to Houston, the energetic boy who leapt onto the WLBT weather set while meteorologist Patrick Ellis was in the middle of a forecast. After flapping his arms and cawing like a bird, and then appearing to fart a couple of times, Houston pointed at the weather map and said, "There are farts everywhere, and toots!"
According to TVSpy:
Meteorologist Patrick Ellis was part way through his forecast on Jackson, Ms. NBC affiliate WLBT when a kid, named Houston, stepped into the shot and began forecasting as only a small boy can.WLBT later explained the station hosts a show with local lawyers that airs after the 6 p.m. Saturday newscast. Ellis says it’s not uncommon for the lawyers to bring their kids. One of those kids was Houston.
“This Saturday was a little different,” said Ellis. “This Saturday our friend Houston decided he wanted to be on television.”
Ellis took it all in stride, chuckling and talking to the boy as if it were all part of the normal weather routine. This is the kind of stuff that makes live TV so much fun to watch.