No one involved with the reboot of The Gong Show will admit it, but it seems Mike Myers (in a heavy prosthetic disguise) is playing Tommy Maitland, the show's 'British' host.
Ian Crouch of The New Yorker writes:
Yet there is a reason to watch, if only to attempt to make some sense of the show’s host, a rakish late-middle-aged British comedian named Tommy Maitland, who bounds onstage on the first show wearing a tuxedo and a montera (a bullfighter’s cap), and tosses out such catchphrases as “Who’s a cheeky monkey?” and “You’ve got no proof.” Though the audience appears familiar with him, Maitland is not a real person. He is, beneath an accent and a prosthetic mask, Mike Myers—though nowhere in the show’s promotional materials is his name mentioned.
The show, which is executive produced by Will Arnett, premiered last night on ABC. https://youtu.be/e64HSt6HsJI