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Friday, 2 June 2017

Stevie Nicks shows how to kick attackers in 1983 self-defense manual

Australian martial arts instructor Bob Jones was a security guard for Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Joe Cocker, and others. In 1983 he wrote a book called Hands Off!: A Unique New System of Self Defence Against Assault for the Women of Today. Stevie Nicks happily agreed to be in the photoshoot. Look at that high kick.

From Open Culture:

Stevie Nicks agreed to take part in a photoshoot where she would help demonstrate the nine mnemonic movements. Jones recalls," This lady was a professional: in two hours I had a hundred of the most magnificent photos ever offered to the martial arts, and just one would make the cover [above]."

"On this day of the shoot I was standing in my martial arts training uniform, wearing my Black Belt. Then Stevie appeared, her hair done to resemble the mane of a lion. She was psyched up for some serious photographing. Stevie wore her familiar thick-soled, thick-heeled, knee-high brown suede kid leather boots. High roll-over socks appeared over the top of these elegant Swedish boots and hung tentatively around her knees." "In these kicking-style photographs the sun also made her dress partially see-through: just enough to be artistically interesting."

This book doesn't mess around:


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