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Monday, 18 September 2017

Cops shoot and kill student on campus

Georgia Tech student Scout Shultz refused to put down a closed multitool and walked toward cops, daring them to shoot. So they did.

Preliminary information indicates that GTPD received a 911 call of a person with a knife and a gun at approximately 11:17 p.m. on Saturday, September 16, 2017. Officers arrived and made contact with Shultz who was armed with a knife. Officers provided multiple verbal commands and attempted to speak with Shultz who was not cooperative and would not comply with the officers’ commands. Shultz continued to advance on the officers with the knife. Subsequently, one officer fired striking Shultz. Shultz was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital where he died.

A video of the killing was made from a nearby building; another angle (embedded below) captures the officers' attempts to negotiate with Shultz. Both are disturbing and depict Shultz's death.

"Come on, man, drop the knife," one officer orders at the beginning of the first video that appears to show the shooting. "Come on, let's drop it," another officer echoes.

"Shoot me!" someone who appears to be Schultz responds. The officers continue to order the student to drop the knife. "Nobody wants to hurt you, man," an officer says. Near the end of the footage, an officer again demands: "Drop it!" apparently at the same time as a shot is fired at Schultz.

Shultz was the president of the college's Pride Alliance.

Shultz made a prior suicide attempt, years earlier, and suffered from depression; "Suicide by cop", people are saying, though the family's lawyer denies it. That the suggestion is so obvious only damns them more. Whatever reasonable solution might exist to the problem you present them, they'd rather just kill you, and everyone knows it.


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