Former Speaker of the House and faux-family-values guy Newt Gingrich pretended to support Senator Al Franken in a bizarre tweet this morning, which got lots of action on Twitter.
"Franken 1,053,205 Minnesotans picked him for senate in 2014 30 self appointed pure senators want him out What happened to popular vote"
What? Obviously he's not supporting Al Franken, but rather he's setting the stage for a Roy Moore win. Getting out the message – and justification – that winning an election, or popular vote, trumps having a pedophile in the Senate. Hey Gingrich, does that go for perverted presidents too? Oh, but wait, Trump didn't win the popular vote, so never mind.
Franken 1,053,205 Minnesotans picked him for senate in 2014
— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) December 7, 2017
30 self appointed 'pure'senators want him out
What happened to popular vote
This isn’t a defense of Franken. It’s a defense of Roy Moore’s possible election using Franken
— Ubbo Ubbo (@TheRealUbboUbbo) December 7, 2017
Man wait until we tell him about the electoral college
— William Janover (@williamjanover) December 7, 2017
Did you use that logic when you impeached Bill Clinton?
— David Amoyal (@DavidAmoyal) December 7, 2017
A majority of Americans picked Hillary Clinton for president. What happened to popular vote
— your favorite President (me) (@hottakebob) December 7, 2017
Remember when this happened... Gingrich confronted by FAMILY VALUES voter for cheating on his wife and being a bit of a Bill Clinton himself. It does not say oral sex is moral in the Holy bible... Sir. 😂
— Jamie (@TheGrandSlams) December 7, 2017
Party over country happened
— lantenengo (@lantenengo) December 7, 2017
Image: Gage Skidmore