Looking for a really unique vehicle that will garner a lot of attention? One that will have your neighbors asking, "What's in that Bozo's driveway?"
Well, quit (start?) clowning around and check out this 1957 Morris Minor named "Clarabelle." She's just $7K. The wind-up key, polka dots, light-up red nose, and flower boxes are all included:
One-of-a-kind automobile! Seen in many parades, TV and events. She has been on display and honored at the National Auto Museum and at the International Clown Convention. Eight years in the making. Lovingly built in Northern Nevada by a professional clown family. Custom glitter paint. Top hat opens to wave at the crowds in a parade. Rear flower pot bumpers. Moving hand-carved silver colored "skate key." Light inside red nose. Hand carved white hands in front and hand carved steering wheel.

Thanks, Jared!