Weird Al's "The Hamilton Polka" inspired Michael William Hunter to create a song about the accordion-playing musician's life. It's a Hamilton parody set to the tune of the musical's "Alexander Hamilton," called "Alfred Matthew Yankovic."
It's really great! Here's a taste of the lyrics:
Well, the word got around said, “this kid is so weird, man!” Soon he’s posing with an accordion in his mere hands.Perfect yo skills with classes, get glasses with a thick frame! And the world will surely know your name! What’s your name man?
Alfred Matthew Yankovic.
My name is Alfred Matthew Yankovic.
I can’t find and rhyme for “Yankovic.”
But just you wait. Just you wait.
When he's not making a "Weird Al"-Hamilton parody, Hunter runs "Weird Al"Phabet, a podcast that discusses every "Weird Al" Yankovic song in alphabetical order.