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Tuesday, 3 April 2018

New Jersey police officers probe man's anus in desperate search for marijuana

A duo of grimly determined New Jersey cops were so certain that a man was in possession of marijuana that they went on a lengthy and energetic roadside expedition into his anus to find some. They were disappointed when they discovered the man's anus was empty, but they placed the man under arrest anyway, for having "the odor of marijuana." In the video, the suspect expresses his disbelief at what's happening in a performance worthy of Jeff Spicoli.

From APP:

In a dashcam video published by open government advocate John Paff, two State Police officers are seen ramming their hands down the pants of Jack Levine during a traffic stop. The officers were searching for marijuana after smelling the drug on him. "If you think this is the worst thing I'm going to do to you right now, you have another think coming my friend," one of the troopers, identified on the video as Joseph Drew, tells Levine before beginning the cavity search.


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