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Monday, 20 August 2018

John Oliver mocks Rudy Giuliani's freakshow performance as Trump's lawyer

John Oliver made fun of Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani's terrible performance on the talk shows Sunday. Giuliani's "truth isn't truth" statement should surely end up inscribed on both his and Trump's gravestones: a bungled effort to describe perjury traps and other reasons one should generally not talk to cops and most certainly not the FBI.

“What is Giuliani doing, and why does the White House keep letting him go on TV?” Oliver said. “Because at this rate, Trump is going to wind up behind bars with Giuliani visiting him and saying, ‘Don’t worry, Donald: Prison isn’t prison.’”
The usual problem along these lines is vain lawyers thinking they're good at PR. But Giuliani's just a weird idiot.


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