Here's that one (the wishing well is a nice touch!):
Then someone requested he do architect Philip Johnson's historic Glass House next. He calls his creation "Philip Johnson's Glass Cottage," (emphasis mine) a nod to Kinkade's use of cottages in his paintings: On this one, he writes, "Ok i really have to stop now. Merry Corbsmas:"
But he didn't stop. He then tackled the Farnsworth House (which I included as the lead image above). A couple days later he was still at it. On this one, he writes, "Pack your bags for a rocky seaside getaway at the Gehryhaus! You'll love the *squints at copy* homey chain link fence & softly weathered *checks notes* corrugated steel siding while you eat a homemade breakfast in the soft glow of the *deep sigh* aggressively geometric sun room."
You can follow how it all went down in this thread:
images via @robyniko, used with permission