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Friday, 17 August 2018

Trump had stupid argument with Vietnam veterans about Apocalypse Now

President Trump got into an argument with Vietnam veterans in which he insisted that Apocalypse Now featured the use of Agent Orange, not napalm: “It was really fucking weird.”

Attendees began explaining to the president that the VA had not made enough progress on the [Agent Orange ]issue at all, to which Trump responded by abruptly derailing the meeting and asking the attendees if Agent Orange was “that stuff from that movie.”

He did not initially name the film he was referencing, but it quickly became clear as Trump kept rambling that he was referring to the classic 1979 Francis Ford Coppola epic Apocalypse Now, and specifically the famous helicopter attack scene set to the “Ride of the Valkyries.” [A] Source present at the time tell The Daily Beast that multiple people—including Vietnam War veterans—chimed in to inform the president that the Apocalypse Now set piece he was talking about showcased the U.S. military using napalm, not Agent Orange.

Trump refused to accept that he was mistaken and proceeded to say things like, “no, I think it’s that stuff from that movie.”

When people (such as Omarosa) talk of Trump's "mental decline", this is what they mean. It's incomprehensible to most people that Trump could be this dumb and stubborn without being somehow medically compromised.


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