The WHO said a doctor in Oicha had been hospitalised with Ebola, and 97 of his contacts had been identified. “It is the first time we have a confirmed case and contacts in an area of high insecurity. It is really the problem we were anticipating and at the same time dreading,” Salama said. Karin Huster, coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières in Mangina, the epicentre of the outbreak, said new patients were arriving at the emergency treatment units every day. “Obviously we are concerned. We are worried that we are not seeing the suspect cases coming into our centres that we should be seeing. It is not a situation where we are confident that the outbreak is under control,” Huster said. “It is all about winning the trust of the community. It’s super important to come early when they are sick and people often come too late.” The insecurity in the region and a mobile population has made vaccination campaigns like the one that helped overcome an Ebola outbreak that killed 33 in northwest of the DRC earlier this year less effective.In an effort to get this growing shit-storm under control, those with the power to rubber stamp the use of experimental drugs have given the go-ahead for the use of five new experimental Ebola vaccines, so long as doctors have the permission of their patients to use them. If the security situation worsens, the next steps to render the red zone safe enough for the medical personnel to do their jobs may be to deploy troops from Congo, the African Union or the United Nations. Image via Wikipedia Commons
Monday, 27 August 2018
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