Yahoo’s owner, Oath, is in talks with advertisers to provide a service that would analyze over 200 million Yahoo Mail inboxes for consumer data, sources told WSJ. Oath did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Oath confirmed to the WSJ that it performs email scannings and said that it only scans promotional emails, usually from retailers. Users have the ability to opt out, it said. Oath’s argument is that email is an expensive system, and people can’t expect a free service without some value exchanged.That's greasy. Greasier still is the fact that even if you pony up the dough, on a monthly basis, for Yahoo's premium email services, your data will get scanned unless you opt to opt out. Finding the page that lets you do this, surprise, surprise is not easy to do. We've got your back, though. Follow this link to take control of your Oath-related privacy settings. Oath swears that the data scraping method they use ignores personal information and personal identifiers. Somehow, given the number of data breaches and user-related scandals that Yahoo and Oath have seen in the past, I have a hard time believing this--especially given the fact that Oath's privacy policy mentions that they think it's cool for your emails to be read not just by machines, but people in their employ and maaaaaaaybe contractors, too. Image via Wikipedia Commons
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
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