Former Republican political operative David Brock has since turned on the right, but he was famously trashed Anita Hill's reputation to help ensure Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court.
Paste Magazine's Shane Ryan noticed that in his 2002 memoir,
Blinded By the Right, he detailed this moment in 1997:
As I arrived at the house, which was decked out in an oversized southwestern motif more appropriate for a bachelor’s mountain hideaway, the network cameras were coming on. When I saw one of Ken Starr’s deputies, Brett Kavanaugh, who was sitting across from me, mouth the word “bitch” when the camera panned to Hillary, I excused myself and sat in the darkened pine-scented dining room alone, smoking.
There's an idea that everything liberals and the left thinks disqualifies Kavanaugh — especially being a blackout-drunk teenage sex predator — only makes him more popular among conservatives and the right. This quote fits that idea so perfectly it could hardly be more on-the-nose.