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Thursday 13 September 2018

Gentleman who thinks Confederates were the good guys in the Civil War gets epically self-owned

Andy Hallinan owns a "Muslim-free" gun shop in Florida. He agreed to be interviewed for a new documentary about Trayvon Martin, Rest In Power. The interviewer asked Hallinan why he didn't think the Confederate flag is a racist symbol. What followed is one of the greatest self owns of all time. Watch below:

Hallinan: The majority of people believe that it is a symbol of heritage, that it is a symbol of our history, that people think is associated with the South, and the South was fighting for slavery — that’s a common misconception about what actually took place. When you study the history, that was one thing that the war was about. People don’t go to war for one issue.”

Interviewer: Name three other things the war was about.

Hallinan: Uh, I mean, I’m not a historian. I mean, you’re putting me on the spot for something I — you know.

[a few seconds of silence]

Interviewer: So we got one thing the war was about -- slavery. What are two other things that the war was about.

Hallinan: Um, um, the Confederate... the, uh, um... in general, the war was about tyranny.

Interviewer: What is tyranny?

Hallinan: Tyranny is any time a government overreaches, and they control a life too much.”

Interviewer: Like slavery?

Hallinan: [silence, followed open mouthed silence]


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