Late last month, Rep. Andy Barr [R-KY] "invited" Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit the coal miners in his Appalachian district, by way of rebuttal to her brilliant response to the charge that the Green New Deal was a rich, city-person's luxury, taking no account of working, poor and rural people.
AOC took him up on the invitation, saying "It’s a complete injustice the cancer levels that a lot of these communities are confronting. We have to plan a future for all of our communities, no matter what. Failure to plan is planning to fail and I feel like we’ve been failing Appalachian communities for a very long time and it’s time to turn that ship around."
Now, Barr has rescinded the invitation, blaming it on her defense of Rep Ilhan Omar, who has been smeared by Republicans and establishment Democrats with the racist slur that she supports Islamic terror. Barr said he was dismayed by her "lack of civility."
In response, AOC tweeted: "GOP’s getting scared that up close, their constituents will realize I’m fighting harder for their healthcare than their own Reps ."