Lo, how the mighty have fallen.
Theresa May, yes, but also Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon is in Kazakhstan today, just a few of days before the long-planned handover of power from President Nursultan Äbishuly Nazarbayev to his hand-picked successor.
Here is Bannon, fresh off the plane from stoking race war in Paris and advising Boris Johnson on what to do after Theresa May, in Kazakhstan, giving a consoling embrace to RT propaganda persona George Galloway.
Caption this. Now.
Steve Bannon and George Galloway congratulating each other after hearing news of @theresa_may’s expected resignation. pic.twitter.com/uX7iv50uej
— Ghida Fakhry (@ghida_fakhry) May 24, 2019
Says everything about Steve Bannon’s fall from grace that he’s sunk to the level of hanging out with George Galloway in Kazakhstan. That is a Seagal-level grind https://t.co/HgUY2esCOa
— max seddon (@maxseddon) May 24, 2019
Steve Bannon's speaking in Kazakhstan this week, alongside RT stalwart George Galloway (lol): https://t.co/utZUhoKlnc ht @ReidStan pic.twitter.com/mYoDXJDdfr
— Casey Michel
(@cjcmichel) May 21, 2019
Steve Bannon was supposed to be on the opening panel I was moderating on ‘de-globalization.’ He missed it because he arrived late from France where he was busy helping Marine Le Pen’s party in the European parliamentary elections.
— Ghida Fakhry (@ghida_fakhry) May 24, 2019
Up next: Steve Bannon, Nick Griffin, and Jeff Monson headline the Novorossia Friendship Congress at Moscow’s President Hotel
— max seddon (@maxseddon) May 24, 2019
Trump - backed by Steve Bannon
Farage - backed by Steve Bannon
Boris Johnson - in regular contact with Steve Bannon— Toby Earle (@TobyonTV) May 24, 2019