A reader writes, "This link discusses the ongoing revealing-leak of a Telegram chatgroup were the Rosello's administration, advisors and collaborators collude and mock the accumulation of corpses at Puerto Rico's morgue (which includes cases of tragic deaths and cases in wait of investigation), women, LGBT community, journalists, fellow politicians, and international politicians. They call Melissa Mark-Viverito a prostitute and mock other US and international leaders. Christian Sobrino was the governor's representative, who communicated with the fiscal oversight and management board, he mocks the corpses located at Puerto Ricos's morgue, fellow Puertorican nationals, and insults their memory. He refers to political enemies as 'crows', and corpses as their 'carrion'. This should be recognized as an offense to humanity. The problem of corpses accumulation in wait of investigation started after Hurricane Maria, as the government was unable to handle the death toll."
Saturday, 13 July 2019
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