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Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Using VLC? Your computer's vulnerable to hackers

VLC, the exceptional open-source media player that pretty much runs on everything, has been one of the first programs I install on a new computer or smartphone for years. It's simple, powerful and free—I couldn't ask for anything more. Well, except maybe not having it play host to a critical security vulnerability, but aside from that NOTHING MORE.

From Gizmodo:

Discovered by German security agency CERT-Bund (via WinFuture), a new flaw in VLC (listed as CVE-2019-13615) that has been given a base vulnerability score of 9.8, which classifies it as “critical.”

The vulnerability allows for RCE (remote code execution) which potentially allows bad actors attackers to install, modify, or run software without authorization, and could also be used to disclose files on the host system. Translation: VLC’s security hole could allow hackers to hijack your computer and see your files.

So, all y'all that said viewing porn offline with VLC instead of letting Google watch you steam it was a good idea? Maybe put a pin in that, for the time being. The good news is that the bungalow-sized software security hole isn't found in all iterations of the app. Windows, Linux and Unix users should take necessary precautions to ensure their digital security. Mac users can keep on keeping on.

If you do find yourself having to go without VLC for your own damn good, it shouldn't be for too long. According to Gizmodo, VideoLAN is on the case: they're hip-deep in the development of a security patch as we speak with, reportedly, 60% of the work on the patch complete. If you're unable to go without something to watch until the patch is released, do yourself a solid and download another free app like Media Player Classic or KMPlayer to see you through.

Image via PublicDomainPictures


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