A Florida gentleman who became internet famous for fighting while wearing Easter bunny costume has now been arrested after a hit-and-run incident. Who could have possibly seen that coming?
As our Rob Beschizza wrote when the “Easter bunny fighting man” footage went viral around last Easter:
Police were forced to restrain the Easter Bunny this weekend after he landed a series of blows on a man during a street brawl in Orlando, Fla.
As Rob wrote, Antoine McDonald became instantly internet famous when the video of him fighting a guy on the streets of Orlando last year. went viral
Earlier this month, McDonald was riding his motorcycle, ran a stop sign, and crashed into someone else's garage before zooming away, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The carport collapsed on top of the vehicle. Deputies went to McDonald’s address and spotted a gray car driving away and found McDonald laying in the backseat of the car. When a deputy went to arrest him, he denied it.
“I wasn’t in any crash. I’m the Orlando Easter bunny, Google it,” he said, according to an arrest report.
Orlando cops asked Mr. McDonald to change out of his costume before they arrested him, reports The Orlando Sentinel.
Read more:
‘I’m the Orlando Easter Bunny, Google it’: Man in Easter Bunny costume tries to avoid arrest