"I'm a builder. I know how to build," said Trump when he promised a "beautiful" border wall. Welp, this is part of what he's built so far: an eyesore between Calexico, CA and Mexicali, Mexico that blew over into Mexico as soon as wind gusts hit. Trees are there to catch it, preventing it from slamming into the ground.
According to The Guardian:
The steel panels, more than 30ft (nine metres) high, began to lean at a sharp angle on the border between the Californian town of Calexico and Mexicali in Mexico amid gusts on Wednesday.
The section of wall was under construction at the time, with concrete anchors being put in place. But the strong winds blew the panels over onto the Mexican side of the border before the concrete had cured, according to reports and photographs.
The panels were being retrieved from the Mexican side and re-erected, Pitones said.
“CBP [Customs and Border Protection] will work with the construction contractor to mitigate the impact of high winds as construction continues,” Pitones said.
And the Internet is having fun with it:
"I own buildings. I'm a builder; I know how to build. Nobody can build like I can build. Nobody. And the builders in New York will tell you that. I build the best product." -@realDonaldTrumphttps://t.co/Ygj6vKqrdQ
— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) January 30, 2020
Point and laugh everyone, just point and laugh https://t.co/4SwQNMCzcr
— Juan Escalante (@JuanSaaa) January 30, 2020
Since this part of the “NEW” wall fell into Mexico-does it now belong to Mexico? Perhaps they’ll make it a big gate! pic.twitter.com/flqF29LGez
— cptnwillie (@cptnwillie) January 30, 2020