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Monday, 30 March 2020

The 'Super Bad Transmittable Contagious Awful Virus' song, a parody of 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!'

You need this. So do I.

Ladies and gentlemutants, this is Daniel Matarazzo performing his ode to coronavirus, 'Super Bad Transmittable Contagious Awful Virus!.' It's a parody of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, from the 1964 musical 'Mary Poppins.'

I love this man and I love his song so very much.

Tom Lehrer, reincarnated, and stuck at home during a pandemic.


Now when a virus comes along that’s spreading like a plague
and POTUS and his lackeys have been nothing if not vague
Well then you’ve got to trust the CDC and listen well
Unless you want to bid our free society farewell

There is a...
Super bad transmittable contagious awful virus
And if we don’t act quick and social distance it will mire us
In a stretch of quarantine that lasts until July, a
Super bad transmittable contagious awful virus

(And if ya gotta better cough in your arm
And if ya gotta better cough in your arm)

Now back in 1918 Influenza had its run
But half their docs were busy overseas with World War I
Today we have mass media and scientists to say
If you don’t want this virus well then stay six feet away!

Super damn important that we practice isolation
Cause we’re asymptomatic while it’s in incubation
We’ll overwhelm our hospitals if there’s not mitigation
Super damn important that we practice isolation

(If we don’t do it then we’re all gonna die
If we don’t do it then we’re all gonna die)

And so I hope at last you take the lesson here to heart,
cause it’s already scary and we’re only at the start
If you get bored just think of the immunocompromised
Who can’t go much of anywhere unless it’s sterilized

Super bad transmittable contagious awful virus
And if we don’t act quick and social distance it will mire us
In a stretch of quarantine that lasts until July, a
Super bad transmittable

A super bad transmittable

A super bad transmittable contagious awful virus!

The artist adds:

The tune and all rights of course belong to Disney and all of the creators. This was created as parody, and is intended to bring some levity to the Coronavirus epidemic and to those who are spending long periods at home. I hope this video brings you a laugh in the midst of some hard times.

BONUS, Daniel's other coronavirus ditty, 'Just Stay Inside' (a parody of Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid)


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