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Thursday, 25 June 2020

How could anyone resist this 7-inch model of a Murder Hornet?

Revoltech's 7-in model of the Vespa mandarinia (aka murder hornet) looks amazing. It's $105, but if you are a true murder hornet aficionado it's a pittance.

Every part is articulated, from the antennae to the stinger. Articulated mandibles and mouth parts have been faithfully recreated. The large compound eyes are made of transparent material to enhance the vibrant coloration. The abdomen is also posable, and the body can be bent forward into an aggressive pose. The wasp's greatest weapon, its venomous stinger, can be retracted without replacing any parts. Wings are folded in its default pose, but can be replaced to recreate in-flight poses. Legs come equipped with joints for recreating various poses. Leg joints can be replaced with a fixed joint for better displayability. Includes a Display base, allowing you to choose between two types of GEO arms to securely display in both default and in-flight poses.

Via Super Punch


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