If you can say anything for the current state of our world, it certainly isn’t boring. However, the constant churn of high-stakes activity happening around us every day is enough to make even a Buddhist monk feel a twinge of anxiety now and again.
We all need a way to release those tensions, depressurize from the mad, mad world, and sink into something relaxing and soothing. For many, that’s a hobby like painting — and for those who have always wanted the opportunity to engage their artistic side with a brush and canvass, The Ultimate Creative Arts Bundle: Learn to Paint and Draw collection can help make that happen.
This package includes six courses packed with basics, techniques, and more to hone your artistic skills, create portraits and spend 18 hours really delving into how to draw and paint like a true creator.
Since it’s always been to start at the beginning, the dual courses How to Paint from Beginner to Master and How to Draw from Beginner to Master get right down to the fundamentals of both disciplines. In Draw, students who can’t even draw a stick figure will learn some time-honored drawing tactics turning the process into a step-by-step approach. By the time they’re finished, learners have a system for drawing difficult things like hands, eyes or portraits, how to apply shading, when to use various pencil lead weights and more.
Meanwhile in Paint, lessons outline a similar step by step method for learning the fine art of oil painting. If you ever wanted to know exactly how to mix color, apply layers to a canvass or even what direction to make your brushstrokes, this course will get you on your way.
With your basics locked in, the remaining four courses further explore the intricacies of painting. In Still Life Painting, artist Joseph Patric Daniels puts your training into practice, using techniques like grid drawing and more to show budding painters how to capture a full moment in time with oils or acrylics.
Your training then turns primarily to watercolor painting, as How to Paint Watercolor Landscapes with Colin Bradley showcases his techniques never before attempted in the medium. Instructor Colin Bradley has been a watercolor artist for years, and offers his easy to digest steps for getting started, including the materials you need and basic prep work before you learn to paint a sky, water, trees, buildings and more.
Next, Bradley will show you How to Paint a Skiing Landscape with Watercolor, launching you into a skiing scene that employs all-new tactics and techniques.
Finally, in How to Paint Quinton's Ross on Wye: Realistic Watercolor, Bradley poses students a unique challenge: can you replicate renowned British artist A.R. Quinton’s classic Ross on Wye landscape portrait? It’s a daunting task, but with this approach, you’ll earn interesting insights that can shape how you approach all watercolor art.
Each course in this collection is a $199 value, but by grabbing the complete package now, you’ll get each for less than $6 per course, only $34.99.
Prices are subject to change.
Do you have your stay-at-home essentials? Here are some you may have missed.