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Friday, 31 July 2020

The Pentagon has made more UFO revelations, but Canada's had a public UFO database for decades

Earlier this year, the Pentagon confirmed that Tom Delonge had actually leaked some legit UFO videos; and just last week, The New York Times buried even more UFO revelations on the 17th page of the print edition.

It's definitely weird that the former lead singer of Blink-182 emerged from a paranoid painkiller addiction to become a legitimate UFOlogist, in communication with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton. It's even weirder that his colleagues in the To The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences include a former Defense Department employee who may be lying about his involvement with the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program; the former head of the CIA's "men who stare at goats" program, who also claimed to scientifically "confirm" that Russian magician Uri Geller had actual psychokinetic abilities, even though Geller himself admitted it was a trick; and a scion of the Gulf Oil fortune who also worked for the DOD and involved in a UFO interest group with the co-author of the NYT articles about the Pentagon's UFO program. Or that TTA purchased supposedly "alien" metals from the billionaire owner of Budget Suites for America.

But what's even more ridiculous is that the Canadian government has had most of their UFO information easily available for decades. The info they have is no more damning or exciting than that blurry Pentagon footage of a pill-shaped aerial vehicle that's probably just an unmanned drone or satellite. But the truth, as they say, is out there, nonetheless. From Toronto Star:

The Canadian government hosts a publicly searchable archive of government records about UFOs dating back to the 1950s.

About 9,000 government documents — ranging from defence department memos about “flying saucers” to RCMP reports by officers who investigated UFO sightings across the country — are available on the Library and Archives Canada website.


Transport Canada compiles aviation reports from NAV Canada as well as other sources and enters them into a publicly searchable database called the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System.

Though synonymous with aliens, thanks in part to Hollywood, the term UFO can refer to many things, noted a spokesperson for Transport Canada — including “sightings of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs or drones), balloons, meteors, weather phenomena and birds,” adding that the term UFO “should not be interpreted to mean something of extraterrestrial origin.”


In 2019, 849 UFO reports were filed, following a pattern of decline in the number of UFO reports in the past decade.

These takeaways tend to be the same about the United States' publicly available UFO knowledge: they are likely just flying objects that have yet to be identified, and there's no indication that any of it involves extraterrestrial life.

The biggest difference, the article notes, is that US documentation on UFOs tends to take on a more militaristic tone — either because they're actually classified military test flights, or they're assuming that they're test flights or spying initiatives by foreign governments. The Canadian government, true to their Canadian character, is apparently less inclined to assume hostile intentions about, err, everything.

Secret UFO files? In Canada the truth is out there — online and searchable [Wanyee Li / Toronto Star]

Image: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons


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