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Friday, 11 September 2020

The Dead Milkmen are releasing a 5e-compatible RPG: "Lost Tomb of the Bitchin' Chimera"

From Punk News:

The Dead Milkmen are releasing a role-playing game module called Lost Tomb of the Bitchin' Chimera. It's a 5e game meaning that it is comparable with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. The game is written by Andrew Ervin and is out via severed books this summer.

Presumably, this means you need to roll a D20 to see if you can jump up on the table and shout "Anarchy!"

You can download a pay-what-you-want character sheet for Lost Tomb of the Bitchin' Chimera right now on Drive-Thru RPG. A Kickstarter campaign launched on September 8, with a little more detail on the actual game:

A monstrous seabird is terrorizing the hamlet of Tiny Town. The distraught Mistress Brownnose calls for aid. If our adventurers hope to placate the beast, they must cross the Swampland of Desire and find the Life-Is-Shit Boneyard. There, if they're brave enough—or dumb enough—to enter the lair of the Burrow Owlbear, they might just find the Tomb of the Bitchin' Chimera.

The adventure is ultimately system-agnostic, and can also be enjoyed using the rules of the world's greatest roleplaying game. It has been designed for player characters of levels 3 to 5 and you can play it as a stand-alone game or easily fit it into your ongoing campaign.

Lost Tomb of the Bitchin' Chimera – Dead Milkmen RPG Module [Kickstarter]


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